Sunday, January 8, 2023

Mulde Peak Khopra Danda Trekking

The Khopra Danda Trek is an incredible journey that offers a unique perspective of the Annapurna region. Unlike the overcrowded Ghorepani Poonhill Trek, this alternative route is a perfect blend of adventure and cultural experiences. Starting from Ghandruk, the trek takes you through Tadapani, Dobato/Mulde Peak, Khopra Danda, Swato, and Ghorepani, and finally ends at Tirkhedhunga. Along the way, you'll witness stunning views of some of the tallest peaks in the world, including Mt. Dhaulagiri, Tukuche Peak, Nilgiri, Bhara Shikhar, Annapurna South, and Machhapuchhre. You'll also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and traditions of the people who call this region home. Overall, the Khopra Danda Trek is a must-see destination for any adventurous traveler looking to experience the beauty and diversity of Nepal. Further Details: Khayar Lake Trekking

Monday, January 2, 2023

Mulde Peak Trekking Highlights 2022

Mulde Peak Trekking is an unforgettable experience for any adventurer seeking stunning views of the Himalayas. Located in the west-southern foothills of the Annapurna Mountain range, this trek offers breathtaking vistas of the mountains, especially during sunrise and sunset. The trek takes you through the serene and captivating forest of Rhododendron, which adds a touch of enchantment to your journey. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to experience the unique culture and traditions of the Gurung and Magar people. Mulde Peak Trekking is an excellent option for anyone looking to combine outdoor adventure with cultural immersion.  Further Details: Annapurna Mulde Peak Trekking